The 1st Workshop; HUMDROUGHT Human and climate impacts on drought dynamics and vulnerability took place in the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Ksiecia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warsaw, Poland on the 7-10.10.2019. The participants of the workshop included:
Prof. Wen Wang, Prof. Honjie Wang , Ms. Jingshu Wang, from the Chinese side and Prof. Renata J. Romanowicz, Prof. Jaroslaw J. Napiorkowski, Prof. Urszula Somorowska, Dr. Ewa Bogdanowicz, Dr. Emilia Karamuz, from the Polish side of the HUMDROUGHT project.
During the three-day meeting a participants had an opportunity to meet each other and learnt about the capabilities of the Institute of Geophysics, Warsaw, Poland and the Hohai University in Nanjin, China.
The most important themes discussed included:
- Prof. Honjie Wang presented the description of the case study (The Huai River basin and) and the available hydro-meteorological observations.
- Dr Emilia Karamuz described the Vistula River basin, which constitutes the Polish case study.
- Prof. Urszula Somorowska presented “Extreme soil drought events across Poland from 2003 to 2018: understanding the dynamics and drivers”, on the application of GLEAM (Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model), to model water balance over the Vistula basin (Soil drought events during the last 16 years).
- Prof. Wen Wang gave a presentation on the Chinese case study and historical and present drought conditions in China “Droughts in China: spatial-temporal characteristics and detection by different indicators”.
- Prof. Renata Romanowicz gave a short presentation on the capabilities of TOPMODEL for modelling evapotranspiration patterns.
- The last day of the meeting was devoted to a discussion on the choice of software for modelling precipitation-flow and water balance in the basins.
- The discussion followed onto a submission of a session to the IAHR2020 conference in Warsaw, next June. It was decided to submit to the session entitled “Human and climate impacts on drought dynamics and vulnerability”, involving the project participants.
During the meeting a field trip to the Dębe Dam on the River Narew and the Modlin fortress, near the confluence of the River Narew and the River Vistula, took place.
Some photographs from the meeting are included below.