The objective of the project is to deepen the understanding of drought dynamics by taking the Huai River basin in China and the River Vistula basin in Poland as two comparative case study catchments. The objective will be achieved using multi-source data (including ground- and satellite-based observations and data products obtained from reprocessing) and hydrological model simulations to investigate the water transformation processes among evapotranspiration, soil moisture, groundwater, streamflow and industrial water abstractions under different catchment physiographic conditions. The study will allow the interaction mechanism among drought characteristics – drought impacts – water resources management measures to be explained and strategies of water resource management to reduce the drought vulnerability to be proposed, so as to support decision-making for drought management and drought resilience enhancement in the context of climate change
Description of the project plan
WP1 Drought characteristics and links with catchment properties
WP2 Assessment of the impacts of human activities on the formation and development of hydrological drought
WP3 Hydrological drought vulnerability analysis
WP4 Strategies of water resource management for enhancing drought resilience in the context of climate change